In one of his latest posts he brings much awaited news – not seen in the MSM – of the arrival of the first deployment of Warrior MICVs to Gereshk in Southern Afghanistan.
This, writes Smith, is what the military would call "proper armour": a company of Scots Guards, called the Right Flank, who arrived in a large sand-cloud with more than 20 Warriors.
Announced in February, it is about time the armoured vehicles arrived. In a campaign where much of the fighting is closer to conventional warfare than counter-insurgency, we have seen classic infantry assaults on Taliban compounds, for which the Warrior would be ideally suited.
Now, with the arrival of the Warriors, we have a vehicle which is actually better armoured than the Scorpion yet shares the same 30mm Rarden and can carry eight infantry into battle.
The Warrior has been a familiar sight in Basra, where its firepower and tracked mobility is largely wasted and where its armour, designed for conventional warfare, still leaves it vulnerable to IEDs.
In the wide open spaces of Afghanistan, it will find its true home and will provide a very valuable addition to the armoury. But, with more than six months between the announcement and their deployment, we can only wonder what took them so long.